The CEO Circle™️ Founders Retreat is our VIP Weekend that provides confidential and trusted training for Nonprofit Founders. Over 3 days, we will work with you to build your Step-By-Step Strategic Plan so you can have a Team-Managed Company that can thrive without you being the bottleneck, and the steps to expand to a more Scalable Model so you can break through your ceiling of growth, multiply your revenue, increase profit margins, and the number of people you impact in the world.

This Strategic Weekend is designed with an atmosphere of "best practice" training by implementing hands-on interactive working sessions + mindset coaching.  We share ContentCoaching, & build Community in a Fun, Engaging and Interactive-Style Conference.

Dates: Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2023

Location: Atlanta Evergreen Resort


What this is:

  • Intimate experience with limited spots for Nonprofit Founders with a fee-based product, service, or membership

  • Dialogue, discussion, and fresh perspective

  • Tailored conversations to help you achieve your goals 

  • A space to be reminded of who you are (rather than being told who you should be)

  • Revealing what’s really required to not just raise funds but generate revenue

  • Instructional guidance with sessions dedicated for implementation 

  • A place to unravel and be fully honest about your wins and challenges (not having it all together is okay)

  • Share what’s worked and what's still working